I wanted to write something that would be helpful for getting through the Covid 19 Pandemic without being too much to take in. If you have any digestive problems or know someone who does I am more than happy to help!
To start getting a better perspective on what we are dealing with try to put some kind of routine together if you haven’t already done so by now.
Small changes such as getting up & going to bed at the same time help to reset the mind.
Minimise the amount of time watching tv or looking at social media/phone before bedtime.
Try to have regular meal times & reduce the amount of sugar, alcohol, caffeine, processed food in your diet – increase fresh food (fruit, vegetables, fibre & water – boring but it all helps in the long run!)
Aim for 30 – 60 minutes of outdoor exercise, especially something you like to keep you motivated & have focus.
Avoid sitting down for more than 30 – 60 minutes without getting up & moving – even if it’s to another room & back.
Finally, understand that this is NOT forever & will pass it – write down something positive every day – could be a neighbour being nice to you, seeing a tree in blossom etc to look back on or even better take a picture that makes you smile!!